Professional and life-changing psychospiritual therapy, counseling and holistic health support services to optimise mental, emotional, physical & transpersonal health and well-being. Transforming 30,000+Â lives through evidence-based interventions for over a decade.
Certified Gurmat Psycho-spiritual therapist
Accredited Right-Mindfulness teacher
Accredited Trainer: Gurmat (psycho-spiritual) Based Mindfulness (GBMi)
Masters in Gurmat Metaphysical science and Psychospiritual Therapy (MSc)
Teghpal has been working in a high school in a socially deprived area of London for over 10 years, being head of Mathematics since 2016. In a multicultural setting the Maths department achieved results within in top 5% in the country for progress in 2022. Teghpal specialises in running Gurmat Mindfulness based intervention (GMBi) programs for teenagers. This helps students to develop contentment, resilience and the tools to deal with the ever increasing pressures that young pupils are having to go through in the modern world. Taking part in the GBMI program has evidence to show that it reduces depression, anxiety and stress.
Teghpal teaches correct mindfulness by incorporating scientific research so that students can best understand how they can cultivate balance within their mental, physical, emotional and trans-personal health.
Specialisms: Working with teenagers, improving active behaviour for learning, working with disadvantaged students, science-based mindfulness approach
Teghpal has many years of experience of working with students who can lack self esteem, display disruptive behaviour and have challenging backgrounds at home. By building relationships with these students and helping them to take steps to develop contentment within themselves, they can undergo a transformative process with their self esteem and general wellbeing. By using Teghpal's mainstream education expertise and knowledge from Gurmat Therapy, students can make progress in their academic studies, improve their focus, concentration, cognition, behaviour, lifestyle, as well as understand what it means to be mindful. Students will be given practical methods which they can use on a daily basis, which will help them with their lives after high school.
Sign up for a bespoke holistic health prescription enabling you to cultivate health, healing and wholeness. After completing a full whole health assessment, we will prescribe you an evidence-based tailored prescription, based on your individual health needs bringing together 1-2-1 Transpersonal Therapy, Right-mindfulness based health intervention (samasatti), Authentic Compassion-based interventions, Qi Gong Therapy, Right-Yoga Therapy (embodied), Breath (Pranayama) Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Nutrition (Science of healing) and other Integral health therapies.